Июнь 2018г.
Завершены монтажные работы на крымском автомобильном мосту.
Декабрь 2017г.
Завершены работы по объекту капительного ремонта СПб ГБУК «Санкт-Петербургского государственного академического театра балета имени Леонида Якобсона»
Ноябрь 2016г.
Получено положительное заключение СПБ ГАУ «ЦГЭ» по ДОУ : Каменка, квартал 78 А, ул. Добровольцев, д.56, корп. 3, литера А, ул. Олеко Дундича, д.20, корп.2, литера А
Ноябрь 2016г.
Завершены работы по договору с «Санкт-Петербургским Молодежным театром на Фонтанке»
Апрель 2016 г.
Проектная документация по объекту: Гаражный комплекс по адресу: г.Санкт-Петербург, Пулковское шоссе, участок 16 (северо-восточнее д. 30, литера Е, по Пулковскому шоссе), находится на рассмотрение в государственной экспертизе
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At the present stage of development our company provides complex service, namely:
For the purpose of new construction, reconstruction or capital repairs
Quarterly development
Individual buildings residential, industrial and social purpose
Linear objects
Engineering support network
System of access control
Video surveillance and security alarm
The system of the notification of people about emergency situations
Fire extinguishing systems
We perform all necessary engineering surveys and inspections.
Coordination of the project decisions in accordance with the current legislation including the state examination of the project.
New construction
Reconstruction of the building or its part
Major overhaul
Alterations of premises
Apply all kinds of construction
Monolithic construction
Construction of houses made of aerated concrete and foam concrete
Prefabricated construction
Frame construction
We perform:
electrical work of any complexity
installation of technological equipment,
installation of sanitary ware
installation of the networks of engineering-technical support
installation of video surveillance systems
installation of access control systems
installation of alarm systems
installation of systems of fire extinguishing
installation of alarm systems
finishing works
Project development and installation of systems of stage lighting and audience
Project development and installation of systems of amplification stage and audience
Project development and installation of systems of mechanization stage and audience
Execution of acoustic surveys
Decoration works, works on design of interiors
Delivery and installation of theatre equipment
Research and survey and projection of:
Architectural survey;
Engineering and technical inspection of constructions of monuments of history and culture
Development the project documentation on restoration of objects of cultural heritage (small architectural forms; adaptation of monuments of history and culture for the modern use);
Restoration works:
restoration of the decorative and artistic painting (the restoration and reconstruction of coloring of facades and interiors);
restoration of the decorative plasters and molded products (restoration and reconstruction of a plaster finishes and colors; restoration and reconstruction of architectural stucco decoration; restoration and reconstruction of the lining of the artificial marble);
restoration of metal structures (repair, restoration and reconstruction of window and door hardware);
restoration of monuments of stone architecture (strengthening walling and spacer systems; repair, restoration, reconstruction, strengthening of bases and foundations; waterproofing of basements and enclosing structures;
restoration of the art products and decorative items (restoration and reconstruction of lighting devices; restoration and reconstruction of parts of black and non-ferrous metals);
the restoration and reconstruction works of landscape architecture and gardening art;
repair and restoration of engineering systems and equipment of monuments of history and culture (heating, water supply, Sewerage, ventilation, air conditioning; system of electrosupply).